Friday, November 14, 2008

Ken Tremendous, we hardly knew ye!


I'm seriously not even joking when I tell you that I'm upset about Fire Joe Morgan's announcement that it will be shutting down. It was the first blog I discovered after getting my first "cube job", and has helped me through many a long and otherwise noxiously boring afternoon. For those of you who haven't ever visited, please feel free to visit it as the creators of the site are leaving their archives up for posterity's sake. Find the link over in my "Nat'l Blogs" list to the right.

I'm on my way out the door now, but will probably post some of FJM's greatest hits for your enjoyment some time next week. For now, fair readers, the bases are forever clogged.

1 comment:

cjobe said...

Truly a sad event. I too came to love this site, especially during 2 hour Tax Law classes and boring summer jobs. It will be missed.