You know how in Jurrasic Park they'll just be sitting there in the jeep or something, just talking about music and food and stuff, and Jeff Goldblum is making some weird but vaguely witty comment, and then all of a sudden somebody's water will get ripples in it and everybody goes quiet because you know, you just all of a sudden know that those little water ripples in the cup are being made because that mofo T-Rex is waaaaaaaaay out there but he a comin andnoLittleTimmythatain'tnotremorweain'tonafaultlinelet'sgetthehellouttahereandquick - you know what I'm sayin? You know that thing is out there but dammit it's big and it'll be here soon enough.
It's really a little cinematic tool that foreshadows and builds suspense. Frebaholics, I present our water-cup ripples.
I'd like to take this opportunity to announce to you all that I plan on witnessing every minute of Ole Miss football next year. If it breaks me (and it most certainly will), I will sell things to make it. I'm not saying we're going to win the SEC or the National Title or anything like that. That's not the reason I'm doing this at all. I'm doing it because I'm at a point in my life where I can do it, and I've always wanted to and why the eff not? If not now, when? And of course, for all you poor little schmucks who aren't able to take on that enormous feat, I'm willing to lay it all on the line and let you live vicariously through the blog. I'll send you postcards from the road.
Anyhoo, we'll keep our eyes open for more water-cup ripples in the meantime.
A massive HatTip to Ledhendrix for creating this video.
A smaller HatTip to BhamReb of NAFOOM for finding this thing.
OKC's Sam Presti is an overrated draft savant
11 months ago
you going to make that thursday night south carolina game?
copy and paste:
Wouldn't miss it for all the tea in China.
let's make the plans
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