Thursday, December 18, 2008

Andy Kennedy Speaks! (sort of)

Alright this is the last I'll be updating until tonight after work. Probably have something up around the time we're getting embarassed on multiple levels on ESPN (Damn you, ESPN). Anyhow, the guy that covers Ole Miss for the Clarion-Ledger spoke to Steven Kennedy, who had apparently already spoken with his brother, Andy, about this whole taxi thing. Here is what Stevie had to say:

"The team had its normal team meeting at about 11 p.m. and then the coaches went out for a late-night dinner with some friends that Andy had when he was in Cincinnati. After they were done, they were leaving dinner and hailed a taxi. The taxi driver pulled up and the coaches (Kennedy, Bill Armstrong, Michael White, Owen Miller and Torrey Ward) piled into the car. Kennedy was in the front. The cab driver decides that he won't take all five guys, he'll only take four, and he started calling coach Ward (who is black) the 'N' word, so Kennedy says they'll get another cab. The cab hadn't moved, but the driver demanded that six dollars be paid. At this point, Kennedy got out of the cab and went to another cab directly behind them and asked the second driver if he would take five people. That cab driver said yes. But when the coaches tried to get out of the first cab, the cab driver locked the back doors and drove about 100 feet with the four assistants in the back. Kennedy was standing on the curb. Apparently, some words were said in the cab and the cops were called. When the police showed up, the cab driver said Kennedy punched him and called him racial slurs. So the cops, who Andy said were nice, but had to do their jobs, put him in handcuffs and put him into the squad car. At that point, Armstrong started saying stuff like this is bull s--- and he ended up getting arrested as well. But Andy never touched the cab driver or called him any names. They spent six hours in jail for this. It's amazing that someone can just make an accusation and someone gets thrown into jail."

Weirdly, Kennedy's other brother, Donnie, also claimed to have his own version of events. He provided the Clarion-Ledger with his version of what was said after Kennedy entered the vehicle.

Kennedy: Jesus, man, could you change the channel?

Cab Driver: Fuck you man. If you don't like my fuckin' music get your own fuckin' cab!

Kennedy: I had a rough...

Cab Driver: I pull over and kick your ass out!

Kennedy: Come on, man. I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man!

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