Honey dont walk out Im too drunk to follow /You know you wont feel this way
Well, maybe Im a little rough around the edges / Inside a little
I get faced with some things sometimes that are so hard to swallow
Hey hey hey I was born a rebel
--- Tom Petty, Rebels

Bryce, this is Tim Timmerson. Tim, Bryce Drew. Now Timmy, in this picture here, ol' Bryce isn't just hitting a miraculous last second shot for one of the most improbable upsets in NCAA Tournament history. He isn't just knocking out the No. 3 seed in the first round. He isn't just posturing for all the cameras, the ones that will replay this moment during every video montage intro to the Big Dance for the next couple of decades (and counting). No, Tim. What he's doing here is launching a frozen sledgehammer at your soul's crotch. What's that? You didn't think souls had crotches? They do. And everytime you see this image, or catch one of those montages, or ESPN comes up with some contrived corporately sponsored thing like "Vote online for Mitsubishi's Shot of the Century" during March, and they replay this God awful thing, Tim, your soul's balls get crushed with a frozen sledgehammer tossed from about 40 feet away. Welcome aboard, buddy!

Of course, there are your run-of-the-mill spirit murdering losses that are simply too numerous to list. But since you're a new Reb, you're going to be expected to do a little homework, buddy. Go ahead and Google "Doyle Jackson" for me. Then give me a 10 page report on whether its legal to throw a flag on a replay (Hint: Your thesis should include the phrases "trick question" and "We Are...Ole Miss"). Google "Jamarcus Russel" + Overtime + "scoop and score" - in no particular order. Give me a synopsis on when the phrase "fumbled on the one" stopped being a figure of speech for choking away an opportunity in your personal life and started being a very real, new way to shatter your hopes for a season.
I'll even give you a Cliff's Notes type of assignment. Just run and go look at the final scores of our losses from the past five years. Run and look that up real quick. Tell me when you see a pattern developing here, Timothy. I'll give you the answer for the last three years only, because quite frankly I haven't had my prozac yet and this little exercise in depression here is beginning to take its toll. Eleven. Eleven games over the past three years that we've lost by one possession or less. Tell me, Tim: Do you think it "hurts" more to a.) be just good enough and hard headed enough to consistently believe you're going to upset the best teams in the best conference in the nation, only to have those teams snatch away victory in the last minute of the game 4 times a year or b.) to have two losing seasons in Ann Arbor, one of which being under a first year head coach who is trying to implement an offensive system that requires the type of athlete who currently is not enrolled at the University of Michigan? Are you getting the picture, Tim?
I know this thing on eBay was fun for you, man. I know you donated the $300 you raised to a good charity. This whole thing was a prat fall you took for the amusement of your family and friends, else why would you not show your face on your video, right? But you did burn a good bit of Michigan paraphernalia. And that gives just enough viability to the idea that you are actually considering pulling for the University of Mississippi because, amazingly, you think it will "hurt" less. Nah, Tim. You don't know a damn thing about pain. At risk of sounding repetitive, pain and defeat are part and parcel of being a Rebel, man. A Rebel is, inherently, intimate with defeat. And a Rebel, inherently and stubbornly, believes that defeat is part of his past but not his future. He is forever arriving and yet he never arrives. Its a paradox, Timmy, one that you will never understand, and one that leaves us all in a very palpable world of hurt. And while there's plenty of room on the bandwagon, we do not have a spot for a turncoat who burns his gear after a couple of bad seasons.
Do yourself a favor, Tim. Protect your identity. Buy a new, like, Chad Henne jersey, or something. And on opening day next season, when everyone is undefeated and there is hope to be had again, wade anonymously into what I can only imagine is an asphalt-bound Michigan tailgating scene and just pretend this whole thing never happened. We'll all be glad to forget this entire production.
1 comment:
Beck, WOW. I have to say, and I truly think you might agree, that this is some of your best writing to date, in any context. As you know, I don't enjoy providing any of my friends with complimentary words. However, this piece is extremely well-written and right on the money. Maybe I'm still in the Christmas spirit or something, but I'm quite impressed. Keep up the good work asshole.
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